The experience has proven that:
a) The advisory activity complements the judicial litigation activity. Therefore, the lawyers specialized in judicial disputes are involved in advisory activities which aims to the avoidance of judicial controversies, empowering legal advisors to assess the contractual content at the light and in compliance with court precedents.
b) As laws become highly specialized requiring specialization in each legal field, it is impossible to combine all advanced specializations in one law firm. Our policy therefore focused on structuring the law firm of lawyers with wide experience specialized in both advisory and litigation activities with making recourse upon need to external advisory consultants in studying highly specialized cases. Such a philosophy is embodied in the structure and activities of the law firm.
The firm is part of a recognized Lebanese and international correspondent’s network, which enables it to provide legal services in complex cross-border situations and international procedures.
The firm is a medium size law firm with an academic dimension. Lawyers at the firm are involved in academic activities such as lecturing and research. The continuing education of all our professionals is an essential component of the unique services the firm provides.
The firm is distinguished by sharp legal skills and firm pragmatic approaches oriented towards the implementation of quick and efficient solutions.